Some of my hostel mates came up with a weird idea of calling the spirits by using the OJO BOARD.....It sounds interesting but really superstitious....Anyways, a very nice way to pass the time....everyone in the hostel gathered inside the room....with candles,ojo boards,etc....everyone switched off their mobile phones and kept away all religious stuffs out of the room.Everyone looked really interested in this....Apart from those who thought its really stupid to do this kinda stuff..

I have no belief in all this.So, i kept away..but i decided to see whts happening inside through the window.I too k my mobile to capture some videos and pics...
I saw the OJO BOARD was kept on the table surrounded by candles and lights were switched off....ALL these things were happening just in front of my room....Jack was the main man....he was concentrating really hard to call the spirits....As the time passed, everyone looked little bit afraid..i took some pics of this incident....After some time, jack's hands started to move on the board.....a sign that the spirit is coming...(i don't know whether it was his trick, anyways looked quite interesting)....jack tried to communicate with the spirit and succeded....
JACK : WHAT's ur name??
SPIRIT : Lucifer!!
JACK : R u a good spirit?
SPIRIT: no!!
Jack was really afraid when came he came to know this....he was trembling....he lost his concentration and spirit went away.....
here ends the story of the night.....
Some said all this is just to make them fool and criticised jack. Some others believed it. But nobody except Jack knows the truth....
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